My Unofficial MBA

Though I've never attended business school, what I do know about business I've learned simply through experience. This continues to be the case, as the position I now hold requires that I expand my understanding of these concepts.

As I said in a previous entry, I'm now in the process of doing market research for GCSS. Initially, my assignment was to come up with two customer profiles, those being someone with a disability and a family member of someone with a disability.

LaRue suggested that I even create a third customer profile based on someone who doesn't necessarily have a disability or a family member with one, but still wants to help. There are many people who could fit this profile.

In some cases, there are people with disabilities who also want to help, and may have family members with disabilities as well. Or, in other cases, the person may fit into just two of the categories.

In my case, for example, I have a disability (a brain injury), and also want to help others with disabilities. Plus, I have family members with various kinds of disabilities. However, I realize that someone else who fits into all three categories may be completely different from me.

It would be helpful to figure out what sorts of supports the majority of our clients need, just as Microsoft would love to know what people look for in a word processor or a Web browser. Word processors, in theory, make writing documents easier by providing tools such as a spellchecker, clip art, formatting tools, and font styles.

Likewise, there are many clients who need transportation, assistance with cleaning and preparing meals, help with managing finances, and education about safety and social issues. Of course, there are varying degrees with all of these supports.

So, in the end, I have my work cut out for me. But this is a fun project...I'll keep everyone updated on its progress.

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