GCSS Knows How to Tweet

by Eric Pudalov, Community Events Coordinator

Although I already posted about this under "GCSS Announcements," just in case everybody missed that one, I wanted to clarify some things about Twitter.

The other day, I created a Twitter account for GCSS, as I said in an earlier e-mail. If you haven't been able to access it, try this link: Twitter: GCSSCommunity

Even if you aren't a Twitter member, you should be able to see the News Feed as it gets updated. Since the account is brand new, "GCSSCommunity" doesn't have a whole lot of friends, but I'm working at making more people aware of the Twitter account as well as the Facebook page.

I'm often asked how to use Twitter by those who are completely unfamiliar with it. While I won't go into all of the finer nuances here, people refer to it as "micro-blogging," because you sign up for an account, and each time you post an announcement or what-have-you, it's required to be 140 characters or less.

For example, if you want to tell everyone on your friends list about a local coffee shop, you can post a link to the coffee shop's website, and then write a brief description of it in the space allowed. In a way, it's very similar to personal ads or movie blurbs in the paper.

Though GCSS' account is relatively new, we already have 6 followers and counting. That may not sound like much, but you and I can certainly recruit members whenever possible!

I promise to do my part in this by keeping it updated frequently, and seeking out people who would find us interesting.

So drop by Twitter...let's check ourselves out.

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