Mass Media Madness!!

On Nov. 14, preempted by writing about our Facebook Cause, I decided to do a general article on Associated Content entitled "Join Causes on Facebook," in which I mentioned GCSS' "Support Individuals with Developmental Disabilities" Cause.

I know that some of you have had the chance to read it, but if you haven't, please click the link above when possible. I'm happy to say, however, that 10,233 people have read the article thus far, according to the stats listed on the site. I wrote about more than just GCSS within the article, but I feel that simply including us within it should help draw attention to the Cause.

Evan did make the point one afternoon that Facebook isn't necessarily the most likely place to get direct donations, but if it is a place to help make more people aware of what we're about, then that's just as helpful (in my eyes).

So if you have read the article, then I may be repeating myself, but if you haven't, I certainly encourage you to do so.

Oh, and about the aforementioned customer profiles, those are basically finished, and I'll be submitting them to Sherry Heyl today. There will be more updates as that concept develops.

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